14 Misconceptions Commonly Held About American Style Fridge Freezer

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American uk Fridge freezer freezers are designed to make a an impressive design feature in your kitchen.

American Style Fridge Freezer

American fridge freezers are designed to make a an impressive design feature in your kitchen. They are usually fitted with high-end panels or bridging cabinets, which make them fit into your cabinetry.

The most attractive feature of these models is their size. There are models that can accommodate up to 23 supermarket carrier bag worth of groceries! Some are plumbed in which means they need to be connected to water pipes, whereas others have a tank that requires periodic refilling.


You won't have a problem with an American refrigerator freezer if you're looking to have enough space for your family. These large, stylish appliances can hold up to 560 litres of food, which can be divided into 173 litres in the freezer and 367 litres in the fridge. This is much more than the typical UK fridge freezer, which is why it's ideal for families who often do large shopping trips or those who like to cook in batches.

As well as their impressive storage capacity, these fridge freezers are also super sleek and stylish pieces of art in the kitchen. They are available in a variety of finishes, from shiny black and silver to elegant white and grey. There are built-in models to match seamlessly with kitchen appliances, creating a sleek and stylish design that will delight your guests.

If you choose to purchase an integrated model that is flush with your cabinets or a freestanding fridge freezer You must ensure that it's the right size for your space before you buy. Check the width and depth of the space to ensure that the appliance can fit without damaging walls or leaving gaping holes that are awkward.

American fridge freezers tend to be larger than traditional fridges, and range from 70cm to 100cm. The American fridge freezers are also taller and can be difficult to maneuver through doorways or hallways. It is recommended to install them in a room with plenty of clearance.

Many models have exciting features that make life easier, and will keep your food fresher for longer. Total No Frost technology, for example, prevents the accumulation of ice in the freezer, meaning you do not have to manually remove it from the freezer. Other options that are convenient include water and ice dispensers that provide cold, filtered water or crisp ice on demand, making it simple to quench your thirst and add cool flavor to smoothies or cocktails.

Many American models allow you to select between a 50-50 or 60-40 split. Some models also feature convertible zones, which you can use to create additional freezer or fridge space as needed.


A stylish American fridge freezer is sure to make an impression in your kitchen. It comes with plenty of storage space and a stylish look. The classic design features wide-width storage that allows easy access to frozen and chilled food items. It also includes compartments for condiments and other small items. These models are available in a variety of colors, including graphite, black and stainless steel.

Contrary to integrated combination fridges that sit flush against your wall, these appliances come with double doors that extend to the outside from either side. This design provides more space than freezers that are side-by-side, and lets you view the entire contents of your fridge at eye-level - ideal for busy families.

The door openings can be configured to provide you with a 50/50 split, 60/40 or even 70/30 option depending on your needs as well as the amount of fresh and frozen food you generally consume. Some models have a drawer which can be pulled out to give additional freezer space. There are models with separate doors and the fridge and freezer sections are placed together. This kind of design is called a larder refrigerator.

The majority of American fridge freezers come with built-in water and ice dispenser that offers instant refreshment at the touch of the button. They are available with and without plumbing for greater flexibility. The plumbed versions are connected to the mains supply of water while the non-plumbed models can be used with cold taps.

Some of the top American fridge freezers feature smart functionality such as electronic displays and advanced holiday modes. They also have a range of storage options, such as glass shelves for tall bottles, and removable dividers to help organise your foodstuffs.

On average these models can store up to 30 bags of food items enough for even the most hungry families! These freezers are a great investment because of their impressive capacity. They are also excellent for those who want to cut down on time spent doing your grocery shopping.

Energy efficiency

Fridge freezers with a high energy efficiency rating will usually have a more environmentally friendly impact than those without this label. These refrigerator freezers also have lower operating costs, which could save you money over the long term. The exact amount you'll save will be dependent on how much you make use of the appliance, what settings and programmes you opt for and the tariff you pay for energy.

American fridge freezers are different to the side-by-side designs we're familiar with in the UK as the fridge and freezer compartments being separate and not one on top of the other. They are also a bit larger.

They take up more space, which is an issue in kitchens that are tiny, but they offer plenty of space for your monthly grocery shopping. Before buying an American fridge freezer, you should measure the height of your cabinet. The models are 178cm or higher and require sufficient space to open the doors as well as take out the drawers when you select a French-door model.

It's also true that the majority of American fridge freezers have to be plumbed in, which could restrict where you can put it and increase the installation cost. They're heavier than regular refrigerator freezers. You may need to think about whether you are able to easily move them into your kitchen, through doors and hallways in the event of need.

However, American fridge freezers offer some exciting features that you will not find on other models. They are more likely to come with water and ice dispensers which allow you to drink chilled filtered drinking water on demand. They can also deliver crushed ice (up to 144 cubic feet per day) when needed.

You'll also find models that feature Total No Frost technology, which stops the accumulation of ice within the freezer, thereby saving you time and effort when it comes to manual defrosting. Other features that are exciting include smart fridge freezer panels which allow you to see your shopping list and recipes, as also monitoring of food and drinks.


American style fridge freezers can be expensive however, they are generally worth the investment. They offer huge storage capacities and a lot of models include additional features like water dispensers and ice makers that add a touch of luxury. There are a myriad of different colours and finishes that you can pick to match your kitchen appliances or create an impressive statement in your home.

Begin by comparing prices of the various brands, like Samsung and LG which are available. Compare prices and models suggested by experts. You might be surprised to discover that there are great deals to be found on these amazing machines.

When you purchase an American refrigerator-freezer, be aware that they are typically larger than UK standard refrigerators. Be sure to take measurements of the space you plan to use it in before making a decision. You might also have to get plumbing in this, which could increase the total cost of the purchase.

Don't forget about the energy efficiency rating and how quiet the machine is when you select the model that suits your requirements. Many of the models that we offer are quiet, making them a great option for homes with a lot of traffic. You can also select either a non-plumbed or a plumbed option depending on your requirements and the plumbing options in your home.

There are many variations of the classic American refrigerator freezer design. You can find one that's perfect for your home. For example, some models have two doors that are above an open drawer (sometimes known as French door American fridge freezers), which offers easier access to your food items while keeping them at the level of your eyes. You can choose from a wide range of finishes, including sleek stainless steel and elegant black.
